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PHOTO 2017/18

1 in 1,700 Photo Essay

1 in 1,700


My intention with this project was to attempt to encompass myself in images. I believe that I was able to capture my most important values, how the viewer interprets that is more or less up to them. I hope the audience takes away not necessarily an understanding of who I am but an understanding of the different ways images can be interpreted and connected to a person.

Still Life: Left Behind

 My intention for this image was to depict the relationship between two people, and how it remains through memories and objects even after they've passed. These are the watches of my grandparents, who passed away within months of each other. Something that was remarkable to me is that their relationship was so strong it affected when they died. 

Thanksgiving Portraits

#1: A nice photo of my mother cooking

#2: The result of me telling my mom her eyes kept being closed

Before and After Project

Gender in Media Project: Gender role reversal through clothing


My goal for this project was to illustrate the fact that male and female presenting individuals dressed in clothing traditionally worn by the opposite sex does not have to be unnatural and strange. I wanted the viewer to see these photos and appreciate them for the potential questions they present.

Passion Project


My goal for this project was to experiment with the manual setting on my camera. I chose two different light sources: florescent and natural, and used what I know to adjust accordingly in order to produce the look I wanted. I drew lines on Veda's face simply to make the photos more than just typical portraits, but there can be a deeper meaning if the viewer chooses to interpret it that way. I chose to shoot inside the Safeway for the light source and color schemes available. I chose to shoot outside the Safeway for the same reason.

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